Mr. Speaker, the citizens of the village of Eden Mills are taking the lead in combating climate change, evidence of which the IPCC has said is unequivocal and the threat of which UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has said is the defining challenge of our age.
These citizens have plans to reduce the village”s carbon emissions by 20% in year one alone and plan to be the first carbon neutral village not only in Canada, but in North America.
Inspired by the lead of Ashton Hayes, a village in the United Kingdom, Eden Mills is not only reducing carbon emissions, but also aims to emit no more carbon than is absorbed by nature.
This grassroots initiative to tackle the urgent issue of a warming planet is being done because citizens have told me that they want our children and our grandchildren to know that we not only cared, but tried to do something.
I ask all members of the House to support their call to face humanity”s biggest challenge. I am proud to represent these citizens in the Canadian House of Commons. I encourage all to learn more about this important project at