Federal government will provide funds to Friends of Mill Creek for rehabilitation of fish habitat
ABERFOYLE – Michael Chong, Member of Parliament for Wellington–Halton Hills, today announced that the federal government will contribute $35,000 for the implementation of the Mill Creek Stewardship and Rehabilitation Plan in Puslinch Township. These funds come from the newly established Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnerships Program, a program designed to conserve and enhance fish habitat. The Plan will be implemented by Friends of Mill Creek.
“Working with local environmental groups to rehabilitate fish habitat, the Government of Canada is helping to restore fisheries habitat in our province, for the benefit of our communities in years to come”, said Chong. “The funding of $35,000 provided today will help Friends of Mill Creek conserve and enhance fish habitat in Mill Creek,” added Chong.
The Mill Creek project is one of 18 projects approved in Ontario to restore, rebuild and rehabilitate fisheries habitat. The Government of Canada is providing $1.4 million to support these projects.
The Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnerships Program will make as much as $10 million available over the next two years to support fisheries habitat conservation activities.
For more information on the Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnerships Program, and on how to apply for the second round of funding this fall, visit: http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/pnw-ppe/rfcpp-ppcpr/index-eng.html