Ottawa, ON – On Tuesday, May 11, the Hon. Michael Chong, Conservative Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, held a phone call with H.E. Jorge Londoño-de-la-Cuesta, the Ambassador of the Republic of Colombia to Canada about Canada-Colombia relations.
MP Chong highlighted several items with the Ambassador, including:
- Canada’s longstanding and expanding relationship with the Republic of Colombia, including the 2011 bilateral free trade agreement;
- Conservatives’ belief in expanding trade and investment between Canada and Colombia, including both countries natural resource sectors; particularly important as the world transitions to new forms of energy; and,
- Conservatives’ belief that Canada must work with democracies to advance human rights, democracy and the rule of law, especially as a counter to rising authoritarianism.
H.E. Jorge Londoño-de-la-Cuesta and MP Chong discussed the recent protests in Colombia, Venezuela and the economic fallout of the pandemic. They agreed to keep in touch and to continue the dialogue on Canada-Colombia relations.